by Ink Audio
The auditory inkblot test.
Sometimes you need a sound that feels like it came from something real but it’s hard to place what it is.
Something weird.
Something that’s not a synth or already going through a pedalboard.
Something that makes people say ‘what was that?’
Ink Rorschach is for the kind of sounds that start somewhere familiar and end up somewhere left of center.
Please note: FULL retail version of Kontakt 6.8.0 or later is required. NOT for Kontakt Player.
It was recorded in creative and backwards ways to catch another side of the instruments and then manipulated beyond recognition in the editing process.
This was done using a combination of non traditional playing techniques, obscure instruments, bowing, mallets, slides, friction mallets, odd mic placements, time stretching, pitch shifting, contact mics, reverse playback, hard tuning, cutting transients, creative eq and compression.