by Ink Audio
Ink Vocal is a small group vocal library for Kontakt.
Play four singers at once with real sampled transitions.
There are three articulations (Mmh, Oh and Ooh) with two male singers and two female singers.
Humanness and flaws were left in intentionally and not every note or transition is perfect.
Please note: FULL retail version of Kontakt 5.8.1 or later is required. NOT for Kontakt Player.
You can choose between poly or legato modes. Poly is for chords and legato is for lines.
For the legato, not only were the notes sampled, but also the transitions between the notes.
There are almost 4,000 samples here to cover every possible transition for each singer.
The interface has controls for low pass filter, compression, delay and reverb as well as a mixer for level and panning adjustments and solo and mute for each voice.
It’s really simple to use. Just plug and play.
Play lines with all four singers at once. Open more instances and create counterpoint with solo voices.
Use it as a supplement to add new voices and variety to your own voice.
Or run it through your favorite creative vocal plugins and mangle beyond recognition.