Kinetic Woodwinds Plus

At the time of this publication, there does not exist another instrument that can let you play FOUR short-sample Woodwinds sections (flutes, oboes, clarinets and bassoons) at the SAME TIME.

But with Kinetic Woodwinds Plus, you get the entire Woodwinds section in one instrument. That means you get a separate timeline for each section.

Each timeline contains 64 note or rest events and can be divided into up to 4 “regions”. And you can have each timeline play a different pattern whether you hold down a single note or chord!

Please note: FULL retail version of Kontakt 6.6.1 or later is required. NOT for Kontakt Player.

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Kinetic Woodwinds Plus

Create Sophisticated Patterns with No Musical Theory Training Necessary

Choose from 30 fun-to-play presets. And if you really want to get wild, you can choose any of the same 30 presets for each section separately. 

That means you could have the flutes playing the “Superman” preset, the oboes play the “Terminator” preset, the clarinets play the “Xmen” preset, and the bassoons play the “Cap. America” preset ALL AT THE SAME TIME! And of course, any or all of these patterns can be edited.

You can also load “perpetual motion” patterns that include very useful accents. These accents can be based on every 2, 3, 4 or 6 events. Additionally, you can set whether the accents are subtle, moderate or dynamic.

Kinetic Woodwinds contains 2 piccolos, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bass clarinets, 2 bassoons, and 2 contra bassoons. And each note can be “tightened or broadened”.

Recorded at the First Presbyterian Church, Santa Monica where A-list Los Angeles-based orchestras record and perform.

The World’s Most Flexible Ostinato Pattern Woodwinds

  • Various “short” samples applied to 4 Woodwinds Sections in ONE Instrument
  • Create Sophisticated Patterns with No Musical Theory Training Necessary
  • Intelligent Woodwinds Motion Engine
  • Bring Motion to Woodwinds With Unparalleled Ease
  • Powerful & Intuitive Design
  • Dynamic Randomization with Instant Results
  • A Woodwinds Instrument Like No Other
  • Playful, Epic & Cinematic
  • Infinite Results
  • Instant Woodwinds Rhythms

What's New?

Kinetic Woodwinds Plus also includes the full Kinetic Woodwinds original library. The difference between Kinetic Woodwinds and Kinetic Woodwinds Plus are:

  • Massive GUI improvements and additions. Yet despite having so many new additions, the GUI has been simplified and is much easier to understand.
  • As much as double the CPU efficiency.
  • Each of the 64 events in each of the 4 timelines now has velocity (dynamics) control.
  • Each timeline’s velocities can be scaled globally or independently.
  • Each timeline can now contain ANY section (Flutes, Oboes, Clarinets and Bassoons).
  • 41 new rhythm patters. (Original version’s patterns not included.)
  • 16 new built in velocity presets can be applied to any timeline globally or independently.

Compose your own custom ostinatos:

  • Popular built in ostinato intervals, mini scales, mini arpeggios and mini ornamentations added.
  • Each timeline’s events can now be independently transposed up or down from a half step to a full octave.
  • Randomize transposition intervals of all 64 events in each timeline.
  • Scale your transposed edits keeping all intervals and patterns intact.
  • Limit your intervals to a maximum value.
  • Expand your intervals to a minimum value.
  • Constrain your intervals to a certain key. (Major/Natural Minor or Harmonic Minor)
  • Step-Record any ostinato pattern.
  • Copy any timeline’s intervals and paste any other timeline.

More features:

  • Each timeline’s events can now be panned.
  • Randomize panning of all 64 events in each timeline independently.
  • Ability to mix each timeline’s note levels independently. Note’s levels are saved with the section.
  • Solo a Timeline with keyswitching.
  • 3 Exciters added.
  • Added speed scaling allows you to speed up or slow down the existing tempo.
  • Easier Accent menus.
  • Added VU meters for each timeline.
  • Global and independent reset added for rhythm patterns, and velocity presets.
  • Removed certain unnecessary, rarely used features to “declutter” the GUI.
  • Most features can now be automated via MIDI controllers.

4 Independent Timelines (not just 2 for high range and low range!)

  • 2 piccolos and 2 flutes
  • 2 oboes
  • 2 clarinets and 2 bass clarinets
  • 2 bassoons and 2 contra bassoons

For Each of the 4 Timelines (Main Page)

  • 64 Editable Note/Rest Events per Timeline
  • 4 Regions per Timeline
  • Each region’s length can be changed.
  • Regions can overlap.
  • Repetition On/Off
  • Region Cycling (Regions can cycle 1 through 4, or not at all.)
  • Articulation Chooser (Staccato)
  • Accent Control (Accent every 2, 3, 4 or 6 events. Choose “Subtle, Moderate or Dynamic” accent style.)
  • Tighten/Broaden Notes
  • Playable Range Editor
  • Transpose
  • Copy/Past Regions
  • Solo/Mute Timeline
  • Randomize Repetitions
  • Select Built-In Popular Rhythms
  • Select from 30 Presets

Global Control (Main Page)

  • Repetitions On/Off
  • Transpose
  • View Grid (base 3 or base 4 for easy editing)
  • Event Resolution (Whole, Half, Quarter, 8th, 16th or 32nd Duration per Event)
  • Triplet Function (On/Off, and Edit Triplet’s Playable Range)
  • Select from 30 Global Presets
  • Audio Preview of Presets
  • Load/Save Patterns
  • Randomize all Timelines
  • Built-In Tutorial
  • MIDI Record and Drag-and-Drop

Mixer Page

  • Auto-Mix (Intelligently “mixes” each section for a smooth transition between them.)
  • 3-Band Parametric EQ
  • Velocity Variation (Randomizes note velocities for added realism.)
  • Velocity Sensitivity
  • Velocity Takeover (During playback, you can “grab” the current velocity and “take over”.)
  • Humanize Repetitions (A scalable “Un-Quantize” repetition rate for added realism.)
  • Reverb and Room Size
  • Velocity-Controlled Warm/Bright Control
  • Microphone Mixer
  • Presets for Microphone and Reverb Settings
  • Section Mixer for Flutes, Oboes, Clarinets and Bassoons (Level, Pan, Purge)

Under The Hood

  • Recorded at First Presbyterian Church, Santa Monica
  • Round Robin is randomized so that you never hear a “loop” effect.
  • Samples of the church ambience are carefully mixed in for a very natural sound.
  • Repetition will always follow the tempo of your DAW.

Kirk Hunter Studios Library Comparison

Download and save this image to see a table of all libraries compared to each other

Kirk Hunter Studios Library Comparison

Sound On Sound Review

Kirk Hunter Studios have added to their range of Kinetic sample libraries with a new release titled Kinetic Solo & Chamber Strings. 

As the name suggests, the library offers the entire string section — violin, viola, cello and bass — in one Kontakt instrument (full version required), with the solo library featuring one of each instrument, and the chamber library featuring the four instruments in pairs. 

Read full review here


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