by Ink Audio
One morning, my two-month-old daughter was struggling to breathe.
In the blink of an eye, my wife and I were in a hospital room with her surrounded by doctors and nurses. She was going to be there a while.
Somewhere around the time when night became the next morning, her vitals started to improve.
I sat looking at all the instruments and devices and drips and wires weaving around her.
I stared at the beeping lights and blips on screens and thought about all the little machines that help us along the way.
It was almost silent in the room but there was so much going on under the quiet.
I made this library as an homage to the angels in the wires making all The Noise You Never Hear.
Please note: FULL retail version of Kontakt 6.8.0 or later is required. NOT for Kontakt Player.
$30.00 $60.00
Using an EMF recorder, I recorded the electromagnetic fields around various devices; hospital equipment, computers, phones, power supplies and random other electronics.
Then I used a Pultec-style EQ to attenuate or boost frequencies to taste.
The sounds are very irregular and don’t sound like a traditional synth.
They whir and hum and crackle and drone in their own weird way.
There’s a surprising amount of variety in what’s hiding in an otherwise soundless room.
Envelope – Attack, Sustain, Decay, Release
Filter – High Pass, Low Pass, Reduce, Degrade
Drive – Tape Sat, Punch, Push, Limit
Space – Verb, Delay Time, Repeats, Delay Vol
Mod wheel makes an additional jitter with three random LFO’s. Pitch bend is volume
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