AMA I – Composer Edition

AMA I – Composer Edition by The Amazonic – the first chapter of a musical library never captured before!

Recorded straight in the depths of the Amazon rainforest and on a studio located in the city of Manaus, upon months of a deep researching, we selected the main instruments that are part of the culture, religion and traditions of those who lives in the Amazon.

With special attention to details, we captured every sound emitted by those instruments thus guaranteeing the creation of a powerful tool for composers and producers looking for a professional, emotional and spiritual sound to add on their music.

The Composer Edition allows you to play on NI Kontakt, more than 100 instruments fluently thanks to thousands of coding lines wrote by our engineers.


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The Amazonic




AMA 1 is a unique library that provides a collection of instruments never seen before.

The inspiration for creating these instruments is the most varied: mimic an animal sound, replicate a specific sound of the nature’s depths or to evoque the native ancestor’s sound of the Amazonian rainforest.

With a huge variety and diversity of Amazonian instruments, this is the definitive tool not only to create Amazonian music but also to add that special element to your epic or dramatic songs.

Check out some of these beautiful musical instruments crafted by our great indigenous masters!

With the Composer Edition, the 100 instruments mixed by the best audio engineers available in Brazil are ready to be played anytime, anywhere and with a very low RAM need.

With a clean and simple interface, all you need to do is load the instrument and start to play. No complications or extra tuning needed.

You won’t believe your ears.


AMA I – Composer Edition by The Amazonic – What’s Included

Short Notes = SN Long Notes = LN Fills = Fi Effects = FX Chords = Ch Loops = Lo

Percussion Low

Amassador Macaco: SN, Fi, Lo
Caixa de Marabaixo Aguda: SN, Fi, Lo, FX
Caixa de Marabaixo Grave: SN, Fi, Lo, FX
Cajon Cuia: SN, Fi, Lo, FX
Gamba de Maués Grave: SN, Fi, Lo, FX
Gamba Grande: SN, Fi, Lo, FX
Gamba Médio: SN, Fi, Lo, FX
Gambazinho: SN, Fi, Lo, FX
Surdo: SN, Lo, FX
Tambor de Alfaia: SN, Fi, Lo, FX
Tambor de Marabaixo: SN, Fi, Lo, FX
Tumbadouras: SN, Fi, Lo, FX

Percussion Mid

Bongo de Cuia: SN, Fi, Lo
Caixinha: SN, Fi, Lo, FX
Repique: SN, Lo, FX
Taboquinha: SN, Fi, Lo, FX
Tambor D’Água: SN, Fi, Lo, FX
Tambor de Caça: SN, Fi, Lo, FX
Tambor de Cuia Maior: SN, Fi, Lo
Tambor de Cuia Menor: SN, Fi, Lo
Tambor de Tubo: SN, Fi, Lo
Tambor de Tucumã: SN, Fi, Lo
Tambor de Vara: SN, Fi, Lo
Trocano I: SN, Fi, Lo
Trocano II: SN, Fi, Lo

Percussion High

Cuia Bocó: SN, Fi, Lo, FX
Glock de Castanha: SN, Lo
Jon Cuia: SN, Fi, Lo, FX
Macacarecuia: SN, Fi, Lo
Palminhas: SN, Fi, Lo, FX
Tambor de Barriga: SN, Fi, Lo, FX
Tamborinho: SN, Fi, Lo, FX

Woodwinds Low

Buzina de Bambu: SN, FX
Buzina de Motor: FX
Buzina Tariano: SN, FX
Cancão: SN, FX

Woodwinds High

Flauta com Cariço: SN, LN, FX
Flauta Cotia: SN, LN, FX
Flauta de Jupati: SN, LN, FX
Flauta Dupla: SN, FX
Flauta Indígena: SN, LN, FX
Mawako Bambu: SN, LN, FX
Mawako Femea I: SN, FX
Mawako Femea II: SN, FX
Mawako Femea III: SN, FX
Mawako Infantil: SN, LN, FX
Mawako Macho I: SN, FX
Mawako Macho II: SN, FX
Mawako Tariano: LN, FX
Yapurutu: SN, FX
Yapurutu Pachiuba: SN, FX

Plucked Strings

Charango: SN, LN, Ch, FX
Cuatro Venezuelano: SN, Ch, FX


Aldeia/Tribe: FX
Sr. Miguel: FX


Caracaxá: SN, FX
Casa de Caba: SN, FX
Cheque Triplo: SN, FX
Chocalho de Aroré: SN, FX
Chocalho de Caracol: FX
Chocalho de Coco: SN, FX
Chocalho de Satere: SN, FX
Chocalho de Tucumã: SN, FX
Chocalho de Nhambe: SN, FX
Favamaraca: SN, FX
Nhambe Inaja: SN, FX
Nhambe Seringa: SN, FX
Peito de Moça: SN, FX
Perereca Verde: SN, FX
Pica Pau: SN, FX
Re Cuia: SN, FX
Rocar: SN, FX
Tauari: SN, FX


Apito de Grilo: SN, FX
Apito de Mari: SN, FX
Apito de Embolo: SN, FX
Bacururu de Palha Maior: SN, FX
Bacururu de Palha Menor: SN, FX
Balanço de Redes: FX
Canto de Guariba I: SN
Canto de Guariba II: FX
Chocalho de Jatoba: FX
Chocalho de Rodelas: FX
Cipó D’Água: FX
Chuá-Chuá I: FX
Chuá-Chuá II: SN, FX
Gavião Real: FX
Ocarina dos Pássaros: SN, FX
Ocarina: SN, FX
Papagaio Moleira: FX
Pau de Chuva I: SN, FX
Pau de Chuva II: SN, FX
Remo: SN, FX
Sapo Cururu: FX
Sapos: FX
Tambor de Mola: FX
Tambor de Trovão: FX
Tambor Sideral: FX
Trototó: SN, Lo, FX
Trovão de Mola: FX
Uru: FXVassourão: SN, FX

What’s the Difference Between Each Version?

AMA 1 comes in 3 different versions – Producer, Composer & Complete. Here are the differences between each version:


  • 25000+ Samples
  • 100+ Unique Instruments
  • 3 to 5 Microphones
  • 30% goes back to the Amazon


  • Full Retail Version Kontakt 6 (or later) Required
  • NOT Compatible with Kontakt Player
  • OSX 10.10 or later, Intel Core 2 Duo
  • Windows 7, 8 or 10. Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64

1 review for AMA I – Composer Edition

  1. Gil Oscar


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