by Sound Dust
The worlds first multi-sampled rare and beautiful 150 (ish) year old DULCITONE, and one of the few ways you can hear what one actually sounds like.
For FULL version of Kontakt 4 or above.
These rare beauties have become deeply fashionable, especially amongst “with it” film composers looking for something with a bit of character in a Tom Waits or Bjorky kinda way. Jon Brion uses dulcitone extensively on his soundtracks of Magnolia, Punch Drunk Love and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind.
Originally designed and manufactured in Scotland in the 1800’s, and with allegedly only 2000 in existence the DULCITONE is a portable keyboard that was made for missionaries to hump around remote African village churches to help perk up hymn services. It has a very basic piano action with spring-loaded felt covered hammers striking small magnet shaped tuning forks. A bit like a well known electro-mechanical tine piano without the electric bits, and has a very lovely woody, clonky glockenspiel/celesta kind of sound.
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