Indie Fingers 4 Acoustic is the new acoustic guitar sample library featuring an extensive selection of fully playable patterns, arpeggios and sustained patches.
Perfect for creating realistic sounding intervals, arpeggios and sequences into pop and other genres.
Indie Fingers 4 Acoustic blends together all the tools previously found in the series such as:
Please note: FULL retail version of Kontakt 4.2.3 or later is required. NOT for Kontakt Player.
Seventeen patches featuring two-notes and three-notes arpeggios.
Arpeggios have been multisampled across the neck (usually each whole tone), mapped to keyboard, and can be applied to any fitting chord or harmony.
Arpeggios can also be combined to create more complex structures.
Each Arpeggio patch features also multisampled 6th and 5th strings bass repetitions (keyswitched durations eights and fourths) in the lower range of the keyboard, to be combined with the arpeggio, in order to emulate common fingerpicking figures.
In addition, separate keyswitched patches for arpeggios and basses are provided.
A set of natural sustained harmonics, both stretched (extended range) and unstretched (natural range).
The definitive cure against machine-gun effect.
Full range repetitions are sequences of a single note, played and sampled on several position of the neck (usually each tone), covering the full available range.
They can be freely played in a piano-like form without any harmonic limitation.
You can create arpeggios, chords, single notes sequences. Available full tempo and half tempo.
Indie Fingers Volume Four also features a complete set of noises (body hits and slams, slide noise, several other noises) and a set of short slide-to note sustains.