Vocal Tools Thea

Vocal Tools Thea expertly captures the delicate yet powerful tone of a teenage mezzo-soprano vocalist.

With its multi-sampled elements, advanced scripting, and a unique legato feature, Vocal Tools Thea empowers composers to take full control of their creative vision.

Bela D Media’s sampling method offers more control than traditional vocal sample libraries.

With our V script, creating vocal magic is easy and real-time.

Please note: FULL retail version of Kontakt 6 or later is required. NOT for Kontakt Player.

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Bela D Media


284 MB


Vocal Tools Thea - Teenage Mezzo-soprano Vocalist Sample Library

Vocal Tools Mode

E – sye nye voh
G – nye voh
B – voh

Legato Mode

E – sye ee
G – nye ee
B – voh oh
D – oh

Vocal Tools Thea includes three variations of a small boy choir scoring pad, complete with an authentic stage performance ambiance. 

Composers can choose to use all assigned patches, mix and mute them, or select only the natural voice, depending on their musical intentions.

Special features include time-based polyphonic legato, subtle vocal speed modulation controlled by the mod wheel, the ability to create and store custom vocal verses, and producer-generated multi-patch instruments.

Vocal Tools Thea GUI

Product Details

  • Mezzo-soprano voice
  • Mapped vocal range (D#3-G#4)
  • Far microphone positioning
  • Studio dry with historical church IRF included

Sustained Vocal Elements

  • Non-looped and approximately 8 seconds long. Tempo clocked to 60 bpm.
  • Sye Nye Voh
  • Soh Nay Tee
  • Too Vee Lah
  • Vye Sye Soh
  • Nay Say Too

Main Instruments

  • BDM THEA Legato Mode
  • BDM THEA Vocal Tools Mode

BDM Producer Multi

  • BDM THEA Multi I
  • BDM THEA Multi II
  • BDM THEA Multi III

BDM Producer

  • BDM Ambient Choir I
  • BDM Ambient Choir II
  • BDM Ambient Choir III
  • BDM Ambient Stage


  • 285 mb
  • 150 .wav files
  • 44.1 hz 24 bit stereo
  • 180 mb maximum Kontakt memory
  • 6 nki files
  • 3 nkm files
  • .nki load time based on system resources.

The V Script

V Script is a sophisticated power tool designed to ease the burden of the working composer.

Most aspects are done behind the scenes or on the fly.

The composer simply needs to create vocal sequences (a group of elements) and store each by a simple press of a Key-switch.

  • Real-time sequencing and instant call-back of self-created vocal movements
  • Mix elements into 12 part vocal steps to create a sung verse
  • Create and store up to 12 verses with instant call-back
  • Time-based polyphonic legato
  • Mod controllable vocal speed
  • GUI controllable attack and release per step sequence
  • GUI controllable vocal EQ
  • GUI controllable vocal compression, church reverb and vocal cut
  • Bypass all for a studio dry environment

Format and Requirements

Presently all Bela D Media products require the full version of Native Instruments Kontakt. Our products do not include a Player/Engine/VSTi.

Any Player/Engine/VSTi you may own from another product cannot be used. This includes the free Kontakt Player or demo modes.

Compatible with Native Instruments Kontakt 6 or higher.